This page is a collection of information supporting GarsGuide. Here you will find explanations of what GarsGuide is about, how to contact us, a link to the home page, a site map to the pages and sections of GarsGuide, a copy our privacy policy, and terms of use.
About GarsGuide
GarsGuide was created to make it easy to find online documentation and resources for a variety of topics. For each topic, GarsGuide brings together on one page everything you need to see.
GarsGuide is structured as follows:
pages are divided into sections, each covering a different aspect of the
main topic. The sections are listed in a page Table of Contents located on left side of
the screen (or on the top of the screen for smaller screen sizes).
The first section is usually an overview of the topic, defining it and answering general questions.
This is typically followed by sections that deal with different parts of the topic. This is
usually followed by a section of news and updates for the subject. Finally, there is a
section of appendixes with additional information on related topics.
Each section contains hyperlinks to online resources and documents. Each hyperlink is formatted to show the title of the linked page followed by the name of the website containing that page. Immediately under the title and website name is a paragraph of explanation, describing why you might want to use that resource.
Why should you use GarsGuide?
- Human curated search - we find the most relevant information for you
- Just the best references - authoritative, on topic
- Know what you are getting - summary of what to expect before you click on a link
- Applicable - a variety of topics on subjects of current interest
- Familiar format - presented in the manner of search results
- Organized - links logically grouped into categories
If you have comments or suggestions, please email me at
I am always looking for ways to improve GarsGuide. Please contact me if you have a suggestion for making it better or easier to use.
Possible improvements include:
- Content to add to GarsGuide
- Changes or corrections to existing content
- Content that you would like to contribute to GarsGuide
- Additional hyperlinks you would like to see added
If you have any of these, please email me at
Or, if you would like to place an ad on a page or sponsor a page in
GarsGuide, please email me at
Site Map
This is the Site Map for GarsGuide. The table below shows each section of each page of GarsGuide in outline form. Click on the page or section name to navigate to that page or section.
- GarsGuide to Computer Languages
- Computer Language Introductions
- Computer Languages
- GarsGuide to JavaScript
- JavaScript Introductions
- JavaScript Cheat Sheets
- JavaScript Reference Guides
- JavaScript Tutorials
- JavaScript Tools
- JavaScript Keywords
- JavaScript Data Types
- JavaScript Operators
- JavaScript Control Structures
- JavaScript Functions and Methods
- JavaScript Objects
- JavaScript HTML DOM
- JavaScript Browser Object Model
- JavaScript Web APIs
- JavaScript Events
- JavaScript Samples and Examples
- JavaScript Related Information
- GarsGuide to JavaScript
- Computer Language Cheat Sheets
- Computer Language Courses
- Computer Language Tools
- Computer Language Related Information
Privacy Policy
The privacy policy for GarsGuide is very simple: I collect no personal information about you so I do not retain personal information about you. This also means that I cannot divulge personal information about you. I do collect IP addresses connecting to this site for the sole purpose of determining the number and rate of visitors. These IP addresses are not used for anything else and they are not shared with anyone else.
You can use this site in peace of mind knowing that there are no cookies, tracking devices, beacons, or anything else downloaded to your computer other than what your own browser requires for its operation.
Please be aware, however, if you send me an email, your email address will be saved in my email client. Your email address will not be seen by anyone else, will not be shared with anyone else, and will used by me for the sole purpose of contacting you via email.
If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, please email me at
Terms of Use
GarsGuide is my original creation and is copyrighted by me. It is provided free of charge with the hope that you learn something interesting or useful by using it. Please feel free to link to this site. Links to any page or section within this site are also welcomed.
If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, please email me at